One month down - and looking up!

Hey all!

Well it's been exactly a month now since we opened the shop, and what an incredibly exciting month it has been. In terms of sales, everything started much as we had anticipated and we've been busy making products almost every day, although sometimes there are days when we just have to focus on other things.

Thank you everyone who has purchased from us, and thank you everyone who has pointed out things for us to improve on.  We've received many tips & hints, advice, and offers to help - it already feels as though we're building a solid Furpile of Friends! Our community input is absolutely priceless to us and it is the most efficient way to help us develop our service.

Some of the things we've already amended based on constructive criticism would be; adding payment options; refining the 3d-models; adding several visual references to help decide on the correct size of product; relocating "Custom toys", "Drops", and "Happy Accidents" under one category ("Shop") for clarity, improving the Diary quality... I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point.


Speaking of our community, this week our Telegram channel reached 100 Friends (and has since gone way over!) and our Twitter is edging really close to that magical 500 Friends milestone. We're certainly doing something special to commemorate both occasions, so make sure to check them out and follow us.

We will also be releasing XL versions of our current toys soon, and new products should be on their way very soon as well. The aim is to have at least a few new products out by the end of the year :)

Many happy returns,
